Monumetric Review – Based On Personal Experience


If you’ve hit this page to explore everything about Monumetric ad, before giving them a trial, then you’ve definitely hit the right page, as in this Monumetric review content, I’m going to give you the pure and insider review on Monumetric ad network, based on my personal experience with them. Keep reading to learn more.

On April 26th, I got an email from Vanessa Martin from Monumetric ad company, stating her intention on advert inquiry for one of my blogs with the motive to get Monumetric ads running on my blog.

The mail goes like this:

Vanessa from Monumetric here, I was hoping to speak to the person in charge of the programmatic/non-direct sold impressions across the “Name of the site withheld”. Would like to speak with them about aligning advertisers to bid for those impressions at market premium rates. Specifically through a header bidding solution. Are you guys currently using a header bidder? I’m not seeing one on the site. We can definitely help with that as well.

Anyways, look forward to hearing from you!”

See the screenshot of the mail below:

Monumetric Review

I didn’t know if I should categorize the mail as a good news or a bad one, because as of then, my main motive was to get my blog approved by Mediavine. And I’ve been working my ass off to reach Mediavine’s monetization requirements, until I got this mail from Monumetric ad company, and guess what? There was a change of plan. But before I plunged into changing my target, I had to consult with some bloggers who are currently with Monumetric, to make some inquiries on their experience with them.

From their responses, 80% said, “it’s all good, I can hit the accelerator pump” while 20% stated their motive on dumping Monumetric once they reach Mediavine or AdThrive’s monetization requirements, because it’s believed they pay higher. According to them, their intention was to hit a higher target, but not that Monumetric is bad.

So this encouraged me to give Monumetric a trial since I’ve reached their main monetization requirements (10k monthly pageviews). So, I gave in to their request, which instigated the onboarding process and setups. Which brings us to this Monumetric review article which covers everything you ever wanted to know about this blog monetization ad network.

But before we pull the trigger, let’s know more about Monumetric.

What Is Monumetric?

Monumetric is an ad monetization network, a full-service ad revenue partner. Just like every other ad monetization network, they work on programed technology to manage, optimize, and improve your advertising revenue from your site,

which serves the best suitable adverts from advertisers on related contents on your blog, to reach potential audiences.

Monumetric, which was formally known as “The Blogger Network”, was originally founded in 2012. Their slogan is “We Prosper People”. According to them, they prioritize on two goals: to help publishers reach their revenue goals and to provide the best possible user experience at the same time.

What Are Monumetric Requirements?

Similar to other ad networks, Monumetric has their requirements, yes, you heard right, they also have their targeted requirements, which makes bloggers worthy to get their blogs monetized with their ad network. Therefore, to unlock your chance of getting monetized with Monumetric ads, you have to reach these below mentioned requirements:

  • Your blog must acquire 10,000 monthly (or last 30 days) pageviews (according to google analytics).
  • Your blog’s traffic must be organic and majority coming from major tier 1 countries like USA, Canada, Australia or the U.K.
  • Must be willing to pay the $99 one-time implementation fee.

To further break these down:

Must Reach 10,000 Monthly Pageviews.

To get welcomed into the Monumetric ad network, your blog must reach 10,000 monthly pageviews. This result must be authenticated with Google analytics. That’s to say, your blog must be connected with Google analytics. This is to enable the Monumetric review team, access your traffic, to ensure it reaches the supposed traffic-target before approval.

Traffic Must Be Organic & From Tier One (Or Premium) Countries. 

Advertisers from tier one countries like USA, Canada, Australia or UK spend money to advertise their products and services, and to ensure their products and services reach targeted audiences, Monumetric ensures that publishers (bloggers) organic traffic are equally coming from tier one countries.

This standard is similar with other ad networks like Mediavine and AdThrive. The strict demand for organic traffic from tier one countries is to ensure advertisers reach suitable audiences which keeps a healthy ecosystem – happy advertisers, happy publishers, happy Monumetric. Also judging from the good value of their money, (dollars), means more money in the ecosystem.

Must Be Willing To Pay The $99 One-Time Implementation Fee. 

This may sound weird to you. Yeah, it sounded the same to me too when Iearnt about it. I was like “really? Pay $99 to have ads run on my own freaking blog”?. But I have to go with the rule, because it’s all for the best. This payment is for customized ads setup and will be paid after your blog must have been approved.

Do note that this $99 one-time ads set-up fee is paid mostly by small publishers who are categorized under Monumetric’s lowest tier ad program.

Note that Monumetric ad is categorized into four tier programs, namely: Propel, Ascend, Stratos and Apollo.

Each of these ad programs are categorized for certain monthly pageviews target, starting from the lowest which is 10,000.

Below is how they’re categorized:

  • Propel: 10,000 – 80,000 monthly pageviews.
  • Ascend: 80,000 – 500,000 monthly pageviews.
  • Stratos: 500,000 – 10 million monthly pageviews.
  • Apollo: 10+ million monthly pageviews.

As a blogger, you can simply apply for any one that best categorizes your blog. But note that joining “Propel” requires you to pay $99 one-time payment for ads set-up. But if your blog had already superseded the “Propel 10,000 monthly pageviews traffic”, to “Ascend 80,000 monthly pageviews traffic”, then you won’t be paying any $99 one-time ads setup fee.

According to Monumetric, setting up ads for smaller publishers is a big task and it takes time. As a result, they charge an implementation fee that you pay once so it’s worth their time.

Don’t fret, you’ll definitely get the money back with their experienced ads placement on your site, coupled with their rich ads quality. So, if you ask me, I’ll say, “it’s worth it.”

The Onboarding Process Of Monumetric Ads.

Now going into the fun part of the Monumetric review content, the onboarding process was a bit of a process. But I’m definitely going to break it down to enable you better understand how the Monumetric onboarding process goes and to also prepare you for that moment should you find yourself in that stage.

After I received that email from Vanessa Martin (from Monumetric) and made further inquiries, I agreed to their proposal and the onboarding process began.

I was given a direct link to apply for approval while they waited to receive my application.

After applying, I received an email from my account manager the next day, saying “my website was submitted to their advertisers for approval. This process took 1 week”.

In the second week, I was mailed by my account manager, on my choice of ads to be placed on my site. We discussed goals, strategies, and ad unit placement that’s best suitable to me, my blog and to my audience to maximize earnings.

You see? That’s the beauty of Monumetric. Proceeding ahead. After the aforementioned has been discussed and solved.

I was further requested to provide a temporal admin-user WordPress backend to allow the Monumetric Team to start the setup process once I was approved.

After 4 days, ads were live on my blog, just the way I wanted them. I must give kudos to Monumetric’s account manager.

Aside from ads setup, Monumetric performs additional services for her publishers such like:

  • Optimize ad unit placement.
  • Help with setup and reporting.
  • Work behind the scenes to secure new advertising partners, which can lead to better rates.
  • Deal with any technical issues or problems.

My Experience With Monumetric.


When ads were live on my site, earning was not really impressive in the first week with Monumetric. Although I was advised to keep calm that things will gradually adjust to perfection, that the ads are gradually acclimatizing with content to serve the best ads to my audience. I took a chill.

Entering the second week, things took a new turn. My RPM jumped from $7 to $12, thus doubling earnings. This was a lovely sight to behold.

Don’t know what RPM is?

RPM which stands for “Rate per milli” is the estimated revenue paid to a publisher per 1000 pageviews by an ad network.

That’s to say, if for example your ad network pays $7 per 1000 pageviews, and your blog generates 4000 pageviews daily, you’ll deservedly earn $7 per every 1000 pageviews your blog generated (excluding ads-clicks). That’s to say, you’ll comfortably make approximately $28 daily, and $840 monthly. Isn’t that a good start?

In my own case, I was making approximately $24 daily with the RPM of $12, which arrives me to approximately $720 monthly. That’s a way to smartly monetize a blog if you ask me.

Site Speed.

Just like it is with other ad networks, your site’s speed tends to reduce a little (not drastically) upon addition of a new ad network. That’s to say, anything you add to your site generally affects site speed.

Infact, anytime you add something to your website, it will impact performance in some way.

Serving multiple ads units on your site can be demanding, thus slows site’s speed down a little, which isn’t something you should worry much about because it’s absolutely normal.

The internet is ads related, if you smartly monetize your blog with an ad monetization network, without negatively interrupting your audiences or readers, then you shouldn’t be worried.

With Monumetric ads fully activated and live on my site, my site speed of course dropped from 2.0 seconds-load-time to 4.5 seconds-load-time. Which by me, and also SEO-wise, isn’t harmful.

Monumetric Review

Monumetric Dashboard.

Monumetric Review

Monumetric dashboard interface looks way more simple and easy to use. Nothing complex at all. But has some limitations, unlike Adsense, Mediavine or AdThrive’s dashboard, you can’t have total control over ads regulations. If you should encounter any ad type you don’t like, instead of you removing it yourself from the dashboard, you’ll have to mail Monumetric support to help you have it removed.

Other features like seeing revenue per page and more details (like on Mediavine’s dashboard) aren’t available on Monumetric’s dashboard.

Monumetric Customer Support.

Having a good support team is extremely very important when using an ad network. It makes you not feel left out. Keep you protected within the cycle. Helps you immediately fix ads related and emergency issues. With Monumetric, I can wholeheartedly say, I really enjoyed their customer support.

Their prompt reply and eager to help you solve issues is top notch. I give them a big kudos!.

Payment Schedule. 

The joy of every blogger is smiling to the bank at the end of every month. It’s a food to the soul to see payment notification. But unlike Adsense, which pays on a monthly basis, Monumetric pays in Net-60 terms. This means that the ad income you earn this month will be paid after 60 days after the end of the month. That’s to say, your January ad revenue is paid in early April between 1-10th. (Monumetric pays between 1th to 10th of a month).

If you ask me, I’ll say this is a long time to wait for your revenue, but it’s pretty normal with managed ad networks. You have to live with it.

Payment Method.

Monumetric currently pays through PayPal if you are not a resident of the United States, while U.S. residents can use direct deposit. They also pay through payoneer, but they don’t pay any fees associated with payoneer services.

Payments are also processed within the first 10 business days of a month, with minimum payment of $100.

When I asked Vanessa Martin (from Monumetric) about their payment method, she replied “We do prefer to pay through a US Bank account or PayPal, we can also pay through Payoneer, but we do not pay any fees associated with that service”.

See screenshot below:

Monumetric Review

How To Apply For Monumetric.

Having read the aforementioned Monumetric review, and you’ve met Monumetric requirements, then you can apply to join.

Here’s how you can apply for Monumetric:

  • Click on the big blue button “Apply Today”.
  • Scroll to the program that best categorizes your blog and enter your information.
  • Click on “Submit”.
  • Wait for the next steps.

They might need more information from you or they may put you on a waiting list. My onboarding process was a little bit faster because I was invited by them to join their ad network.

Pros Of Monumetric.

  • Great RPM: My first week (7 days) with Monumetric earned me $98, based on $7 RPM with 2000 daily pageviews. The next week, my RPM jumped to $12, making me earn approximately $720 monthly with the same 2000 daily pageviews. This is something I can brag about Monumetric. They did have great RPM, thus maximizing earnings.
  • Great Ads Set-Up: Although the onboarding process took a while, but ads placement and setup was all done to my taste as agreed. My account manager did a great job to satisfy my taste of ads-placement, which I also give a big kudos to Monumetric.
  • Support: Monumetric have a great customer support, who are willing to fix any ad-related issues with prompt response. Just like the 911 emergency line. I enjoyed their customer support and this further encouraged me to stick with them.
  • Low Requirement Entry: Unlike Mediavine and Adsthrive that need huge requirements to secure your entry into their ad network, Monumetric needs just 10,000 monthly pageviews and majorly from tier one countries like USA, Canada, Australia or UK. Which seems pretty easy to secure so long you’re dedicated to reach the target, thus creating huge monetization opportunities for small publishers.
  • Low Commission Sharing: Monumetric only takes 15-30% commission on your revenue (this is taken before the numbers you see on your dashboard).
  • A Decent Referral Program: Earn 2% of the revenue generated by any publisher you refer for 12 months. A great referral opportunity to clinch as a publisher.

Cons Of Monumetric.

  • Long Onboarding Process: The onboarding process may take 2 weeks, sometimes more. In my own case, it took roughly 2 weeks and 4 days for everything to be up and running. You just have to be patient while they run their check at their backend.
  • $99 one-time ads-setup payment fee: This payment fee is only for those who are in the “Propel ads program” category. If your traffic has already superseded 10,000 monthly pageviews upon approval, you won’t be asked to make any one-time ads-setup fee. And if you made the payment, don’t fret, you’ll definitely recover your money. Monumetric premium ads setup will ensure that.
  • Net 60: Unlike Adsense which pays in Net-30 terms, Monumetric pays in Net-60.
    This is fairly common with ad managed companies.
  • Non-Current-Day Reporting: Unlike Adsense, you don’t see your revenue until the next day. Although this isn’t a bit of a concern to me and shouldn’t be a big deal for most publishers, but it’s good to have it in mind.

In Conclusion.

This brings us to the end of Monumetric review content.

My overall experience with Monumetric is a great one. Great RPM (thus high earnings) and great customer support.

If you’re a blogger who has reached Monumetric monetization requirements (10k monthly pageviews and majorly from tier one countries), I wholeheartedly recommend you should sign up and get approved, you’ll never regret your actions.

UP NEXT: Mediavine Review — The Bloggers Favorite Ad Network.
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