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A Master Guide On Amazon Affiliate Marketing For Newbies.

A Master Guide On Amazon Affiliate Marketing For Newbies


70% out of 100 bloggers prioritize Adsense as their main means of monetization. Well that’s pretty understandable, I mean, who wouldn’t want to have the best ads monetization program on his or her blog?.

But here’s the deal. As much as adsense is cool and very much recommendable to all bloggers, venturing into Affiliate marketing is yet another means to enrich your pocket monthly. 

Why’s that? Affiliate marketing keeps you in full control of your monetization means. You’ll be your own boss and get to choose how you market the products. And you know what? You can make quite more fortune than you make in adsense. 

Example: I’ve sold two products worth $1,500 (a plasma TV) and $2,340 (a mini refrigerator) and made $250 on the go. Imagine how much you can make per day if you made 4-5 sales of such high ticket products. Amazon affiliate program made it happen. 

Here’s a quick tip to being successful with Amazon affiliate marketing:

1. Always uphold honesty and transparency when it comes to promoting products on your blog. No product is 100% perfect, or heavenly made. Try to tell them (your audience) your honest review about the products you review on your blog, this will build a trusted relationship between you and your audience and authority from search engines which will place your site’s reputability on high standard. 

I’ve been an experienced and proficient participant of Amazon affiliate program for 6 years and since then been making handsome take-home monthly from this affiliate-platform. And I thought I should share my master tips and secrets of my achievement in a well detailed ebook titled “A Master Guide On Amazon Affiliate Marketing For Newbies“, (which also contains my earning proof as evidence).

If you’re a newbie in Affiliate marketing and wish to make gains in Amazon affiliate program, this book will give you an edge towards bountiful success.