4 Smart Ways To Hunt Down Low Competitive Keywords To Boost Ads & Affiliate Revenue


In the blogosphere, keywords are a priority.

Every blogger’s dream is to target their audience keyword intent, to provide answers to their most burning questions and in return gain traffic and sell their products (if they have any). But the question remains “how competitive is the keyword you’re targeting?”.

Some Keyword-difficulty-tools have made it less strenuous for us to detect low competitive keywords, and rank for them easily but some of these stats aren’t 100% correct and may not be completely relied on. Therefore there are other potential ways you can track and hunt down low competitive keywords and rank for them effortlessly especially if your blog is new and has not gained authority yet.

I have had a deep thought concerning hunting down low competitive keywords and having more keyword ideas at my disposal and some certain types of SEO techniques sprout up in my head and I’ve been using these techniques for the past few months and I can beat my chest and confidently tell you it’s really working for me. So, therefore I’ve decided to share.

Like I said, the idea is how to find low competitive keywords (keyword ideas) to enable you target them and rank higher on sERPs

We all know ways on how to find keywords to rank for right? But do we all know how to find a low competitive keyword to rank for? I believe only a few of us really know this. But here are my techniques.

Technique 1: The Brainstorming Technique.

Low Competitive Keywords Ideas

I try to get into the head of my audiences by brainstorming ideas.

Let’s take an example:

Let’s assume you run a flower blog or store online.

Most flower store owners will focus on conventional keywords (e.g. “buy flowers online”, “best hibiscus flowers”, “cheap rose flowers”, etc.)

But, if you sit down and think about how real people may search online, you may come up with things like:

  • “Best flowers to say sorry.”
  • “Should I bring flowers on a first date?”
  • “Best flowers to give a girl.”

That’s brainstorming and believe me, you’ll definitely rank for these keywords (although they may have little search intent), but it all worth it. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

To help with the brainstorming technique, pretend you have zero knowledge about your chosen industry/topic (this will help you to get inside the mind of the “ordinary” customer and how they may search).

Pretend your product/service doesn’t exist, then brainstorm how you’d describe it.

For example, many people aren’t aware that air humidifiers exist (solution) but they do know they have an issue with dry air (problem). These people will search for things like “dry air home remedies” rather than “buy air humidifiers” or “best air humidifiers“.

So, to target this set of audiences simply write content on “Best ways to fix dry air” or “Tips to fix dry air in your homes“. Then in the content you’ll mention air humidifiers as one of the best ways to moisten your environment which gives a solution to dry air. Then you can attach your affiliate links to sell your products 🙂.

With this content, you’ve solved or offered a solution to their problem, and at the same time generated sales. In fact, they’ll be more than happy to buy through your affiliate links because you offered a solid-solution to them and quenched their taste of curiosity.

Technique 2: The User-Generated Keywords.

Low Competitive Keywords Ideas

I leverage users generated keywords at my disposal and rank for them.

When you take a tour to popular forums and Q&A (questions & answer) websites you’ll find a lot of potential keywords that you could rank for. In these websites, users ask their most burning questions, seeking for answers to quench their taste of curiosity. As a smart blogger tapping from these keywords isn’t a bad idea.

So the question is — how do I go about getting these keywords?

All you have to do is take your time and tour around these online communities to find questions which will make potential less-competitive keywords and keyword ideas.

I simply visit forums such as Warrior forum, Quora and Amazon’s (comment section) to hunt down keywords generated by users.

When I visit these online communities, I head over to their categories related to my niche while I make my keyword hunt. Like I mentioned earlier, these keywords may have lower search intent. But you have nothing to lose.

Below is a breakdown of what I mean:

  • Warrior forum has been a very powerful tool for me in hunting down less competitive keywords. Having thousands of registered online users, questions are being asked by users seeking for answers and guidelines. And when I find a juicy keyword (related to my niche) which is article-worthy, then I’ll definitely write on them with zero hesitation.
  • On the other hand, Quora has been helpful to me too. This online question-and-answer community is where questions are asked, answered, followed, and edited by Internet users. With over 300 million monthly users, thousands of questions are asked on Quora everyday, and as a smart blogger I took the advantage to find less competitive keywords for myself.
  • And when it comes to hunting down less competitive keywords, I don’t limit my research with forums and online communities only. I’m versatile, so my research also extends to the Amazon comment section. I glance through Amazon user-generated reviews for products or items related to my niche. I take my time to fish-out keywords.

If you’re an amazon affiliate marketer, tapping keywords from amazon’s user-generated reviews may be an SEO-wise move towards achieving SEO success.

Technique 3: Leverage Social Media.

Low Competitive Keywords Ideas

A lot is discussed on social media pages. (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc).

It’s no doubt social media is a place where people turn to when they have questions and problems. The likes of Twitter, Facebook pages and groups can harbor a lot of keyword ideas generated by users. And what makes a smart blogger? It’s simply using the little leverage at your disposal.

Where I like to fish-out my keywords are from Facebook and Twitter.

I join Facebook pages and groups related to my niche, follow them up from time to time to hunt down user-generated less competitive keywords and grab keyword ideas.

I apply the same technique on Twitter too.

I follow many SEO specialists, keeping up with their tweets to fish-out keyword ideas and user-generated keywords from the comment section.

Technique 4: The Spying Technique.

Low Competitive Keywords Ideas

Another way to hunt down low competitive keywords to boost ads and affiliate revenue is to spy on your competitors keywords and milk some keywords from their ranking keywords.

This will save you some stress and time digging for that perfect keyword.

I know you’ll be like “a new website? Ranking for the big-boys keywords? I must be joking”.

Note: I never meant you should use their competitive keywords, but spy on their contents and draw out some “Long Tail Keywords”, you can easily rank for. This is what I call “Capitalizing On Your Competitors Keywords”

For example: If a “big-boy” blog writes about “Best student laptops“. Spying on his blog has already given you the “keyword knowledge/idea” (best student laptops). That’s time saving, isn’t it?

Now, you have to brainstorm, or ask yourself, what other laptop-related-stuffs could students be searching for? If you’re smart enough, you will come up with ideas like: “best laptops for engineering students“, “best laptops for graphic designing students“, “best laptops for programming students” or “best laptops for music production students” etc. These are just for example purposes.

If you could not come up with any ideas, you could easily use a “keyword research tool” like Unbersuggest (it’s not free, just 3 time-free daily trial) to further get more long tail relating keywords by simply entering the keyword you saw on your competitor’s blog, it will reveal related long tail keywords you can easily rank for.

What do you do next? You write extensively on these keywords. Make sure each paragraph answers users’ queries. This will help you a lot on search engines.

With this approach, you can see yourself coming up with keyword and content ideas more easily than researching for keywords which is very much time consuming.

But that’s not to say you shouldn’t do keyword-research. I don’t need to tell you how important that is.

In your very spare time, also do well to research for rank-able keywords that can drive you traffic.

Spying on higher blogs in your niche saves you a huge amount of time, as you’ll not only learn from your forefathers (the big boys) but also draw out some keywords from their contents (which they forgot to address).

Keep spying on your competitors to capitalize on their loopholes (and not to plagiarize or copy and paste their content). That’s not going to help you one bit.

Remember, following your masters, keeps you on a good track to also become a master.

In Conclusion.

Keyword research is a very vital approach in the blogosphere and should be taken as such. The success of your blog depends on the kind of keywords you target, therefore you should implement these aforementioned approaches.

It’s very much understandable that short tail keywords are difficult to rank for due to their extreme competitiveness. However, blogging requires smart techniques, and that’s what MonetizeSmart.com is all about. This content keeps you on a higher ground on how to easily hunt down low competitive Keywords and rank for them to boost ads and affiliate revenue.

UP NEXT: Aspiring To Monetize Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing? Here’s How To Go About It.


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