9 Major Secrets To Get Google Adsense Approval With Ease


Are you one of those new bloggers still battling for Google AdSense approval? Then congratulations, you’re definitely in the right place because the 9 main secrets to get Google AdSense approval with ease are about to be unleashed. I know how frustrating and disappointing it can be, being rejected by Google AdSense after application due to one or two reasons, trust me I have once been in those shoes.

Google AdSense has proven to be one of the best options for bloggers to monetize their blogs and earn from their written contents. Although there are so many Ad serving monetizing networks just like Google AdSense that can generate lots of revenue to bloggers for their hard-worked contents too, such as, AdThrive, Mediavine, Ezoic and Monumetric.

In a situation whereby a newbie-blogger gets rejected severally by Google AdSense it can kill their motive thereby making them start to lose interest in blogging. But not to worry, because in this very article, I’m going to give a detailed guide on 9 main secrets to get Google AdSense approval with ease.

If you ever want to get approved by AdSense with ease without any sort of frustration and annoying rejections, you need to follow my simple guide and I can assure you, you’ll definitely get approved whenever you apply for AdSense.

Let’s jump to the 9 main secrets to get Google AdSense approval with ease.

1. Unique Articles/Contents.

Unique contents are gold.

Unique contents or articles on your blog Is what defines you as a blogger.

Your content makes your blog stand out amongst others, it makes you special and unique, bloggers can never have the same writing skill, so why should you plagiarize or copy-and-paste other people’s work?.

If you’re one of these bloggers that plagiarizes people’s work, by copying and pasting their blog contents on your blog, then I’m sorry, your blog can never be approved by Google AdSense, not only that, you’re drawing your blog backwards, because these articles which you stole may never be indexed by web search engines.

As a blogger with a new blog, the worst thing you should ever do is illegally having people’s contents on your blog. The reason for this is, your blog is new, just like a newborn baby, with no domain and page authority, your major aim is to write articles with low competitive keywords with lots of internal links, backlinks and few in-between contents keywords insertion, to enable you out-rank few already indexed articles on Google search engine and also get your articles/contents indexed by search engines too.

Plagiarizing or copying and pasting other people’s work to your blog will slow down the growth of your blog, in fact you’re already killing your blog’s SEO, you may likely not have any article indexed on search engines and your Google AdSense application may end being rejected with the Google AdSense “Scrapped Content” reply.

If in case you apply for Google AdSense and Google hits you with the “Scrapped Content” reply. Then know fully well that you may be having a plagiarized or another author’s content on your blog.

To fix this issue and get approved by AdSense, you need to trace and find those articles that were being copied from other sources to your blog and delete them totally.

Sometimes “Scrapped Content” reply from Google doesn’t necessarily mean you have a plagiarized content on your blog, it may mean your content or article-title corresponds with an article or content somewhere on the net, or you have a copyrighted images on your blog, that’s why you should really make a thorough keyword research before giving your article a title and mind the images you use on your blog to avoid issues like this.

2. Be Mindful Of The Images You Use.

It’s really very Important to be mindful of the images you use on your blog, use images wisely, why is this important?

Using copyrighted images on your blog may limit your chances of getting approved as Google hates blogs that use copyrighted images.

Copyrighted images are images already being used by an original author or writer, which has been already recognized and indexed by Google search engine. In a situation whereby you use these same images on your blog by using the copy & paste method, you may be limiting your chances of getting Google AdSense approval.

It’s advised to use credited images or better still use stock images, you can get your free stock images on IstockPhotos or Pixabay. Whichever one you like.

These websites have the best online free stock photos with high HD quality. And they have categories of images related to all niche, therefore, no matter what you blog about except adult content (pornography), you’ll definitely get the images related to your contents from the websites mentioned.

3. Lengthy Articles/Contents.

One of the main secrets to getting Google AdSense approval is to ensure you write lengthy articles. Yes, lengthy articles, this really works in AdSense approval, it lets Google know that you’re in for business and you’re really ready for blogging.

As a newbie blogger, writing lengthy articles for the start is one of the keys to Google AdSense approval. When you apply for Google AdSense, Google makes a thorough research on your entire blog, to ensure your blog pages contain resourceful and quality contents before granting you approval.

Google protects the interest of their advertisers and wishes not to serve ads on pages with low quality contents.

As a new blogger seeking for AdSense approval, for a start you should try your possible best to write articles with at least 700-800 words, if you can make them 800-1000 that’s even better, but the lowest should be 700 words, try to write at least 10 unique articles, originally written by you with 700 words and above with internal links attached to them. Just in case you don’t know what internal links are, take a look at the green coloured words on my blog, they are internal links.

Internal links are clickable links inserted into your articles for more references relating to your article. It’s a process of linking your related articles together for good user experience.

Inserting internal links into your contents or articles isn’t really a must to getting Adsense approval, but it’s really important to build your SEO (Site Engines Optimization), DA (Domain Authority), and PA (Page Authority). Inserting internal links into your articles encourages good user experience, makes more references to your article and decreases your bounce rates.

4. Avoid Prohibited Publishers Content.

The worst thing you should do as a blogger seeking AdSense approval is publishing prohibited contents which is strictly against Google AdSense policies. If you ever do that, I can assure you, your blog will never get approved by AdSense. You’ll keep getting multiple rejection replies from Google each time you apply for AdSense.

Try to avoid prohibited contents such as:

  • Adult contents (pornography).
  • Pages selling drugs, alcohol (beer or hard alcohol)
  • Illegal drugs.
  • Violence.
  • Gambling.
  • Violent content.
  • Racial content.
  • Hacking/cracking.
  • Pages selling Weapons and ammunition

Try to avoid publishing articles relating to any of the aforementioned contents and also try to avoid linking your site to any sites publishing any of the above mentioned contents as well. Also avoid linking to sites streaming illegal movies or illegal pirated softwares.

Keep to AdSense policies and you will get higher chances of getting approved.

5. Ensure To Set Up Important Pages.

Important pages such as:

  • Contact Us page.
  • Privacy policy page.
  • About Us page.

You must have the above mentioned pages on your blog, if you really want to get approved of Google AdSense. Google believes having these pages on your blog shows your level of seriousness in blogging and legitimacy of your blog.

  • AContact Us” page: Holds the contact address and details of the page admin. Having a contact page on your blog gives your readers or site visitors direct and easy access to contact you. Whenever you apply for Google AdSense, Google checks for your contact page on your blog. Contact page lets Google know you’re serious about blogging and shows you’re not a spammer or a bot.
  • “Privacy Policy” page: The simple purpose of a Privacy Policy is to inform your website visitors what personal information you are collecting from them, and how you are going to use that information. Personal information such as: Their name, phone number, email address etc. Google examines your blog’s privacy policy, and if it doesn’t go against their policies then you have a higher chance of getting approved. For example, if you sign-up to use Google AdSense to show ads on your blog, you’ll have to agree to the AdSense Terms of Service. These terms require you to have a “clearly labeled and easily accessible” Privacy Policy that includes some specific information.
  • “About Us” page: “About Us” page, contains details in summary related to what your blog Is all about. The page holds details relating to the blog and what it’s all about. An “About Us” page, lets your site visitors know what exactly your blog is all about and in summary what services your blog will be rendering to the public. Google AdSense checks for the “About Us” page, on a blog, Google believes you’re really serious and ready for blogging if there is an “About Us” page on your blog, therefore making you have a higher chance of approval if you have such a page available on your site.

6. Write A Good Number Of Articles. 

This is one of the main major secrets to getting Adsense approval. In a situation whereby you don’t have enough content on your blog, then Google will keep hitting you with the “Not Enough Content” reply each time you apply for Google AdSense.

Like I said earlier, whenever you apply for AdSense, Google checks for pages with resourceful and quality contents and checks the total number of articles on your blog too.

It’s recommended to have about 10-15 lengthy articles on your blog, with about 700 words and above for each. This is a rough estimate, I have a friend that got approved of Google adSense with just 10 unique, lengthy and quality contents.

Google chooses quality over quantity, so if you can write 10 unique lengthy articles, with about 700 words and above for each, then you have a very good chance of getting approved by Google Adsense.

My advice for new bloggers seeking Adsense approval is to avoid writing articles with words less than 700, at least let your articles get to 700 words, before publishing, trust me this will certainly increase your chances of getting approved of Adsense with just 8-10 articles.

The main secret here is “Quality” and “length“. If you keep writing articles with a lesser number of words, then you’ll have to write up to 20-30 articles before you may likely get approved of Google AdSense. But with just 10 unique and lengthy articles you can get approved of Google Adsense with immediate effect. So the choice is yours to make.

7. Ensure Your Theme Is User Friendly. 

Your blog theme or template is another secret to your AdSense approval. Bad aggressive themes or templates, with lots of useless unnecessary widgets can deny you Adsense approval.

Google wants to serve their ads on a clean and neat looking blog, without lots of unnecessary widgets and annoying designs. A professional blog, looks simple yet very advanced.

Remove unnecessary widgets on your side bar, Example: Labels, posts, sponsored posts, etc. Use only a few useful widgets which are also beneficial to your site readers.

8. Get A Direct Domain Name. 

Try to get your blog a direct domain name such as .Com .Net or .Org. This is really important for AdSense approval because, having a direct name convinces Google to believe you’re seriously into blogging.

For blogspot users using subdomain name like www.Example.blogspot.com, it’s really advised to get your blog a direct domain name like Www.Example.Com, Www.Example.Net or Wwe.Example.Org.

You can also Choose your country’s domain name. Example, people from Canada may use “.CA” which means Canada. Same goes to USA bloggers using .US and United Kingdom bloggers using .CO.UK . Other countries’ domains like Germany (.de), France (.fr), South Africa (.co.za). These are direct domain names. Although using a subdomain such as www.example.blogspot.com doesn’t really mean you may not be approved but having a domain name for your blog increases your chances of getting approved of Google Adsense even faster and with ease.

9. Ensure Your Blog Is At Least 3-6 Months Old.

According to Adsense program policy, it’s stated that, for a blog to be approved by Adsense it must be at least 6months old. Well this is not a thumb-rule because I have friends that got approved of Google AdSense within a month of blogging, all that matters is “Quality contents“.

To have a higher chance of getting approved, ensure your blog is at least 2-3 months old before applying for Google AdSense, after you must have loaded your site with lots of unique and lengthy contents or articles, and must have gotten some organic traffic from Google search engines.

But if you want your site to be approved by Google Adsense within a month, the trick is to work harder to provide quality content on your blogs.

Not interested in Google AdSense? Or you want to use multiple ads serving monetizing networks alongside Google AdSense?. Then there are a

lots of Google Adsense alternatives you can try out, which will generate lots of revenue to you as a blogger. AdThriveMediavine, Monumetric and Ezoic are on the frontline.

In Conclusion.

Although Google AdSense has strict policies, but I’m sure if you can adhere to their policies and agree to their terms and conditions, then your blog is definitely getting approved. Just ensure your blog complies or acts in accordance to Google AdSense policies, and has nothing against Google AdSense policies.

Possible Answers & Questions.

Q: Does traffic determine Google’s Adsense approval?

A: The answer is No!. Traffic doesn’t determine your AdSense approval.

Traffic Is not a criteria to Adsense approval. Your blog can get approved whether it generates traffic or not, I have a friend who got approved of Google AdSense with about 0-50 page views. All that really matters is to abide by Google AdSense’s publisher’s policies and ensure you provide unique quality contents on your blog.

UP NEXT: Want To Hunt Down Low Competitive Keywords? Here’s A Guide To Walk You Through.
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