Adsense Arbitrage Not Working For You? Try Affiliate Arbitrage Instead


Adsense Arbitrage can come with heartbreaks such as; ads limitation, or worse termination of your adsense account (when done wrongly).

Aside from that, it may not yield results as expected. Thus, causing you to lose money without gaining some bucks, which can be disheartening.

But I’m here to let you know that you can’t only make money through adsense arbitrage, there are other means to make money through arbitrage, ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to “affiliate arbitrage“.

As simple as it may sound, it’s not that easy, but when done properly, you will see yourself smiling to the bank at the end of every month.

How Do I Go About Implementing The Affiliate Arbitrage?

1. Find A Hot Product.

There are thousands of hot products out there you could select from and run ads about it which boost sales and in turn earn you good affiliate commission.

Products like:

  • Tech related products like; ear pod, microphone, ring lights, laptops, phones etc.
  • Skincare related products like; acne/pimples treatments, dark spots treatments, stretch marks treatments.
  • Hair care related products like; hair loss treatments, hair growth treatments.

2. Buy The Product.

To make your review-content more authentic and trustworthy, you have to purchase the product yourself prior to making the review.

No one wants to read reviews full of lies. Audiences love it when the reviewer actually has the product in his or her hands while reviewing it. This builds trust.

3. Use The Product.

Buying and using the product which you’re about to review will enable you to share an honest review about the product, plus it makes users trust your review the most, because you actually bought and used the product yourself. This has always been one of the major secrets of successful arbitrage affiliate marketers out there.

Buying and using the product gives your users the impression that the review is coming from a horse’s mouth and not just a random reviewer who just wants to make money.

4. Share Your Honest Review About The Product.

Here’s the fun part.

Ensure to share your honest review about the product. As you share the product’s pros, don’t be afraid to mention the downside of the product too, after all not all products are completely perfect, there must be a downside or cons relating to the product.

5. Run A Video Facebook Ads To Boost Your Product-Review Article. 

Video Facebook ads convert more. Believe me when I say this. Because I’m speaking from experience.

When you run a video Facebook ads on a particular product, it captivates the users to click through the link to read more, thus purchasing the item advertised.

And see yourself making a huge commission per sale.

You can link up with tech brands or other reputable brands in your country to join their affiliate program and sell their products for them, in return earn good commission, let’s say $50 – $100 per sale.

UP NEXT: Here’s How To Smartly Monetize Your Blog With Affiliate Marketing .
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