Adthrive Review – Every Blogger’s Favorite Ad Monetization Network


Just like Mediavine, AdThrive is every blogger’s dream ad-monetization network. Infact, 60% of Mediavine’s users are striving to switch to AdThrive as soon as they reach their monetization requirements. And if you’re one of these people, shouldn’t you know more about an ad-monetization network you’re about to switch to? Sounds like a good idea right?, Because that’s utterly what this content is all about.

If you aspire to use AdThrive, it’s a good thing to know about them, how their ad network works, their monetization requirements, paying method and schedule and in this AdThrive review content, I’ll be covering all that. But before we hit the accelerator pump, let’s know what AdThrive is.

What Is AdThrive?

AdThrive is a premium ad monetization company, known to be a full-service ad monetization network to help bloggers (publishers) earn from their hard-worked contents. Not only do they help bloggers earn from their hard-worked contents, but also provide complete ad optimization and support to its publishers, which makes it one of bloggers favorite ads networks.

AdThrive was founded in 2013 by a husband-and-wife blogging team in the aim to assist creators (bloggers) earn substantial revenue from their meaningfully-created contents through their ad monetization program by determining the best ad layout and organizing the ad auctions that determine which ads appear on the site.

AdThrive, and its parent company, CafeMedia, are Google Certified Publishing Partners which means their ad optimization, policies, financials, business practices, and ad layouts are Google-approved.

Just like Mediavine, AdThrive is a jealous-ad network that doesn’t want to share ads-space with any other ad network on a given blog. Therefore, if you’re to use their program, you have to forfeit every other ad network and pledge your allegiance to them alone. That’s to say, you have to terminate every other ad network you have on your site if you must use AdThrive.

What Are AdThrive Requirements?

Before your blog is qualified to use AdThrive, there are some certain requirements that must be met. And these requirements are:

  • Your blog must acquire 100,000 pageviews per month (or per last 30 days period) according to Google analytics.
  • Your blog must be connected to Google analytics.
  • Traffic must be real human traffic (and not bot traffic or traffic generated through advertisement).
  • Content should be original, long-form & engaging.
  • Site must be in good standing with Google AdSense and Google AdExchange.
  • Visitors should be mainly from the U.S, Canada and the UK.

To further break these down:

Your Blog Must Acquire 100,000 Pageviews Per Month.

Yes, you read right, for your blog to get closer to AdThrive’s approval, it must attain 100,000 pageviews comfortably on a monthly basis.

This is one of the core monetization requirements that the AdThrive review team looks into before others. Infact, this requirement makes you 70% qualified to use AdThrive.

AdThrive review team takes their time to analyze your blog’s traffic through your Google analytics. That’s why it’s very much recommended to connect your site with Google analytics so as to make this process an easy one.

Your Blog Must Be Connected To Google Analytics.

A blog connected to Google analytics won’t only seamlessly help the AdThrive review team scrutinize your blog traffic, but also expose you (as a blogger) to the overall statistics of your blog. Therefore, getting your blog connected with Google analytics will benefit both you, and also the AdThrive review team as it will help them carefully examine your traffic and its source to determine your blog’s approval into their ad network monetization program.

Traffic Must Be Real Human Traffic.

Another major criteria to get your blog qualified to use AdThrive is ensuring your traffic or pageviews are 100% human, and not bot traffic or advert-generated traffic. AdThrive has a sophisticated tool to investigate and detect non-human or advert-generated traffic.

Although it’s not bad at all to acquire pageviews from social media platforms through advertising, but AdThrive best recommends organic traffic as your source of traffic because it is a stable and sustainable way of driving traffic to your site. Therefore you need to be on top of your SEO game to achieve this.

Content Should Be Original, Long-Form & Engaging.

When it comes to Adthrive approval requirements, your content plays a major role.

AdThrive doesn’t want to breed mediocrity in their program, thus placing high priority in ensuring that applicants provide unique, quality, well-detailed and engaging content before being approved into the system.

When you apply for AdThrive, after reviewing your traffic source, the next step is assessing your content.

AdThrive review team squarely looks at the uniqueness or originality of your content. Your content must be uniquely created and should not be plagiarized from any other source.

Also your content must be well-detailed and a well-detailed content comes in a long-form, this indicates the comprehensiveness of your content. And remember, having long form contents on your blog increases pageviews and duration at which a user stays on your blog which draws you closer to reaching AdThrive’s requirements.

Site (Or Blog) Must Be In Good Standing With Google AdSense & Google AdExchange.

As a Google Certified Publishing Partner, AdThrive requires all applicants’ blogs  must be in good standing with Google Adsense and Google AdExchange.

By good standing, I mean, your blog must maintain or keep to all Google Adsense and Google AdExchange terms and conditions, and mustn’t Infringe any single of their respective policies. AdThrive review team takes their time to carefully assess your blog to ensure these policies aren’t Infringed.

Visitors Should Be Mainly From The U.S, Canada And The UK.

AdThrive advertisers are mostly from tier one (1) countries like USA, Canada, Australia or UK, because advertisers from these countries pay higher to market their goods and services, accompanied with their heavyweight currencies.  Therefore, for you to get into their ad monetization network, your audiences needs to come from tier one (1) countries too.

Advertisers from tier one (1) countries like USA, Canada, Australia or UK spend money to advertise their products, and to ensure their products reach targeted audiences, Adsthrive ensures that publishers (bloggers) organic traffic are equally coming from tier one (1) countries.

The strict demand for organic traffic from tier one (1) countries is to ensure advertisers reach suitable audiences which keeps a healthy ecosystem – happy advertisers, happy publishers and happy AdThrive. Also judging from the good value of their money, (dollars), means more money in the ecosystem.

The Onboarding Process Of AdThrive.

Similar to that of Mediavine, AdThrive’s onboarding process is pretty easy. First thing first, you have to apply through their website, by providing three sets of information categorized as Site Info, Ad Setup, and Site Traffic.

  • Going through the sign-up stage, on the first page, It will ask you to provide information about yourself and your website. This is to ensure that you have a working email address and complete site information.
  • Furthermore, It will inquire about your ad strategy and if you are running any other ad networks on your blog.
  • Finishing up your sign-up, on the last page, you will be asked for Google Analytics data. In this stage, you’ll be asked to send over a specific report from your Google Analytics. This report will entail your site’s statistics in the last 30 days through your Google Analytics report.
    Don’t worry, your Google analytics backend details won’t be required of you, the Google analytics data required of you will only contain view-only authorization that the firm utilizes to validate the traffic on your site. This is why it’s best recommended to have your site fully connected with Google analytics.
  • After receiving your application, the AdThrive staff will analyze it as soon as possible.
  • Once they review your application thoroughly, the AdThrive review team will send an Email mentioning further steps if you’re accepted. If you’re rejected, they also give reasons for that. Just like the one in the screenshot below:

AdThrive review

AdThrive Dashboard.

AdThrive Review

AdThrive dashboard is user-friendly and easy to navigate. It includes several specific reports that help you get information in detail. It includes  information such as: information on specific ad earnings, performance, RPM breakdown as well as traffic insights.

The RPM breakdowns cover specific pages, and the traffic insights come from your Google Analytics account. AdThrive provides these deep analytics to help you keep track of your performance and how you may improve it.

AdThrive Customer Support.

AdThrive has a good reputation when it comes to good customer service support. At least this claim has come from the horse’s mouth (Adthrive users/publishers) and that authenticates the fact.

When your blog is approved by AdThrive, you’ll be exposed to their first class customer service support. They also offer good customer service support to non-publishers in case of any query.

AdThrive also has an active Facebook group for publishers in case they need any help, suggestion, or information. Publishers can always contact AdThrive anytime using E-mail and Facebook. They do their best to reply instantly and help you solve your ads-related issues and answer your query. So, when it comes to customer support, AdThrive has it A1.

AdThrive RPM.

Typically AdThrive pays $15 per RPM (revenue per 1,000 pageviews). That’s to say, If your blog drives 5000 pageviews daily, you would earn $75 daily and $2,250 monthly.

Don’t know what RPM is?

RPM which stands for “Rate per milli” is the estimated revenue paid to a publisher per 1000 traffic by an ad network.

That’s to say, if for example your ad network pays $7 per 1000 traffic, and your blog generates 4000 pageviews daily. You’ll deservedly earn $7 per every 1000 pageviews your blog generated (excluding clicks). That’s to say, you’ll comfortably make approximately $28 daily, and $840 monthly. Isn’t that a good start?

Payment Schedule.

AdThrive pays at Net-45 basis. You’ll receive your first payment 45 days after the end of your first month running AdThrive ads. For example: money earned in January will be paid on 15th of March.

Payment Method.

AdThrive pays in USD, and publishers can choose between PayPal, check, wire transfer, or local bank transfer for deposit. Payments are also processed and paid on the 15th of every month.

The minimum payment threshold for all payment methods is $25, with the exception of the wire transfer option which has a $100 minimum threshold for most countries.

Pros Of Mediavine.

  • User-Friendly Dashboard: AdThrive dashboard is user-friendly yet contains tons of deep tracking analytics information to enable you keep track of your performance and how you may improve it.
  • Great RPM: Earning on an average RPM of $15 is a good way to earn passively, making AdThrive one of the best ad monetization networks when it comes to good RPM. Therefore, judging from the estimated $15 RPM (which isn’t fixed and could also increase), you will earn $75 daily and $2,250 monthly if your blog pulls 5000 pageviews daily. Isn’t that great?.
  • Great Ads Set-Up: AdThrive technical team will ensure ads are well placed on your site to earn you the best revenue. They’ll ensure that your ads are well optimized and placed on the best ads spaces on your blog. Ads can as well be placed on your choice of preference if you wish.
  • Support: AdThrive has great customer support, who are willing to fix any ads-related issues with prompt response. Just like the 911 emergency line. Whenever you encounter an issue or feel the need to ask questions, you can always reach out to them via Email or through Facebook.

Cons Of Mediavine.

  • Long Onboarding Process: The onboarding process may take 1- 2 weeks depending, sometimes more. It all depends on how fast you’re being attended to, and the personalized-technical ads setup.
  • Net-45: AdThrive pays in Net-45 terms. That means, For example, revenue earned in January will hit your account on the 15th of March.

In Conclusion.

That brings us to the end of the AdThrive review content. Going through the features of AdThrive should ring a bell to you on the reason why it is rated as one of the best ad monetization networks to utilize and earn passively.

That’s why thousands of bloggers are aspiring to reach their monetization requirements, thus having their blogs approved. If you’re a blogger dreaming to achieve this, then work your way to grow your blog, by utilizing the best SEO practices and serving quality and well-detailed content to your readers.

If you’ve reached Adthrive monetization requirements, get started by applying for approval, if not, you can opt for other alternatives such as Ezoic, Monumetric ad or Google Adsense.

UP NEXT: Monumetric Ad Review – Based On My Personal Experience.


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